First Fruits Offering 2025


For this year 2025, the First Fruit Offering was held last 11 January at the St Columba Belmont Perth, parish church and a week later on 19 January at our regional suburbs : Bunbury (Southwest chapter) and Dalwallinu (a unit of the North chapter).

As in every start of the year, the First Fruit Offering is the first cluster-wide prayer assembly of the CFC-WA community. The anchor verse for the assembly is contained in the Scriptural verses of Deuteronomy 26:

“…You shall take some fresh fruits of the various products of the soil which you harvest from the land which the Lord has given you… set them in front of the altar of the Lord.”


The practice of the First Fruit as showcased in the book of Deuteronomy originated during the time of the Israelites. They offered their ”first grain, the best of the best of their harvest”, signifying that it is the Lord as the source of the bountiful harvests, that what they have in this earth are God-given miracles. 

Fast forward to the present day, it is the same principle. Rather than offering wheat, fruits and vegetables, we offer the fruits of our labour: from our salaries, livelihood income and business profits. Likewise, God-given miracles as well indeed.


In CFC, a prophetic message was given by our Lord to the 2003 National Council members, for the community to hold gatherings at the start of the year. Every family and individual shall line up towards an altar, pray together, and to make an offering.


The money that is offered stands for the blessings we have received from the Lord:

-good health, the Lord making us healthy and well to earn our pay checks and conduct our businesses.

-talents, skills and capabilities, our jobs, careers and professions.

-gift of community, it is in CFC that we are drawn closer to Him.

-protection from harm, sicknesses or danger for us and our families.

-mastery of hearts: victory of the heart over selfishness, negative feelings toward others, strained relationships, pride and wrongdoing.


Just to share some personal reflections, the First Fruit Offering across the three locations was truly inspiring and brought me deep emotions. It makes one realise that our community is under the loving care of our Lord. It is heartwarming and a pleasant surprise to see the great turnout of families, brothers and sisters, for this first major event of the year. 


Notwithstanding the timing – coming in freshly from the Christmas holidays, which impacts both physical and financial drains and fund allocations – our community rose to the invitation of our Lord, for us to bring back to Him and show Him how grateful we are for our blessings.

The monetary results of the recently concluded first fruit offerings speaks of the current state of the conditions of our hearts.

Compared to the amount we collected last year, the growth is  no less than 32% (as of 25th Jan, Brother Kit, our beloved Cluster Head will soon announce the final amount)! 


Let us recall the 3 Ts: time, talent and treasure. With us already surrendering the time and talent elements, the treasure part is now set in motion, in progression mode, with conviction and commitment creeping into our members’ hearts. 

But it goes beyond the nominal dollar amounts. Yes, the amount collected will be very useful as the Mission work is carried out (used for the evangelization and pastoral activities in Oceania, countries like Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea; for the mission workers’ formation and pastoral trips to various areas of Australia).

Way beyond the funds collected, a deeper meaning of HARVEST has now become clearly evident : the conversion of hearts to grow a personal relationship with our Lord, a Spirit-filled faith, and continuing transformation to listen to the voice of our Lord!

God is good… all the time!!  And all the time… God is good!! AMEN.

P.S. Here are some of the photos of our First Fruits Offering for 2025 taken from Perth, Dally, and Bunbury. Click the dropdown arrow to select another area. Enjoy! 🙂

Reynold Ong
Reynold Ong

Couples For Christ Cluster Family Ministry Head & Financial Officer for Western Australia